1 Example:   Measuring the Impact of Racket’s JIT
2 Example:   Vectors vs Lists
3 Running Benchmarks
3.1 Extracting Reported Time
3.2 Progress Logging
4 Plotting
4.1 Color Schemes
5 Persisting Results


Josh McGrath <>
and Vincent St-Amour <>

 (require benchmark) package: racket-benchmark

The goal of the benchmark library is to reduce the effort of writing benchmark harnesses. Specifically, this library aims to handle the sampling and plot rendering of results using sound statistical methods. This library is designed for comparing: different versions of Racket for a fixed set of programs, different versions of programs with the same version of Racket, or both (different versions of Racket and different versions of the programs). But as the examples in the first two sections will show, it is not limited to these use cases.

    1 Example: Measuring the Impact of Racket’s JIT

    2 Example: Vectors vs Lists

    3 Running Benchmarks

      3.1 Extracting Reported Time

      3.2 Progress Logging

    4 Plotting

      4.1 Color Schemes

    5 Persisting Results

1 Example: Measuring the Impact of Racket’s JIT

In the following example we evaluate the use of Racket’s JIT on two simple programs, running each with and without JIT, and then plot the results. The plot renderer groups together the results of running the same program under different options, distinguishing the different options using colors.

> (require benchmark plot racket racket/runtime-path)
> (define-runtime-path fib-path
> (define-runtime-path collatz-path
> (define-runtime-path compiled-dir
> (define results
     ; files to run (whats)
     (list fib-path collatz-path)
     ; list of options (hows)
     (list (list 'jit 'no-jit))
     ; how to run each benchmark
     (lambda (file jit)
       (if (equal? jit 'jit)
           (system* (find-executable-path "racket") file)
           (system* (find-executable-path "racket") "-j" file)))
     (lambda (file jit)
       (system* (find-executable-path "raco") "make" file))
     (lambda (file jit)
       (system* (find-executable-path "rm") "-r" "-f" compiled-dir))
     #:num-trials 30
     #:make-name (lambda (path)
                       ([(1 file-name 2) (split-path path)])
                     (path->string file-name)))))

raco make: file does not exist: /home/stamourv/src/racket-benchmark/examples/macro-examples/fib.rkt


   /home/stamourv/src/plt/pkgs/compiler-pkgs/compiler-lib/compiler/commands/make.rkt:79:8: for-loop

   /home/stamourv/src/plt/pkgs/compiler-pkgs/compiler-lib/compiler/commands/make.rkt: [running body]

   /home/stamourv/src/plt/racket/collects/raco/raco.rkt: [running body]

   /home/stamourv/src/plt/racket/collects/raco/main.rkt: [running body]

default-load-handler: cannot open module file

  module path: #<path:/home/stamourv/src/racket-benchmark/examples/macro-examples/fib.rkt>

  path: /home/stamourv/src/racket-benchmark/examples/macro-examples/fib.rkt

  system error: No such file or directory; errno=2



Could not parse time output:

> (parameterize ([plot-x-ticks no-ticks])
     #:title "jit vs no jit"
     #:x-label #f
     #:y-label "normalized time"
      ; default options
      (list 'jit)

results: undefined;

 cannot reference undefined identifier


#lang racket
(define (fib n) (if (<= n 1) n (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))))
(time (fib 26))


#lang racket
(define (collatz n)
  (if (even? n)
      (/ n 2)
      (+ (* 3 n) 1)))
(define (collatz-range m)
  (for-each (lambda (n) (collatz n))
            (stream->list (in-range 0 m))))
(time (collatz-range 10000))

It’s important to note that both examples explicitly call time. This is because, by default, the time of a benchmark is not the time to evaluate (run ...), but rather the time reported to stdout by (run ...). Had we merely wanted to time how long it took to evaluate (run ...) we would have called run-benchmarks with #:extract-time 'delta-time. Such an example will be given in the next section.

2 Example: Vectors vs Lists

Here we use 'delta-time to demonstrate measuring the time to evaluate (run ...). At a high level we will be evaluating lists vs vectors for map and append. Specifically, map and append (or the appropriate variant) will correspond to our whats, and the list/vector size and whether we are doing list or vector operations will corespond to our hows. That is, for each input size, for each of list and vector, we will evaluate map and append.

> (require benchmark plot racket/match racket/vector racket/list)
; list/vector sizes
> (define sizes (list 50000 100000))
> (define lists (map (lambda (i) (range i)) sizes))
> (define vectors (map list->vector lists))
> (define results
     ; operations (whats)
     (list 'square-map 'self-append)
     ; list of options (hows)
      ; sizes (and their indices) in the sizes list
      (map cons (range (length sizes)) sizes)
      ; implementations of operations
      (list 'vector 'list))
     ; to run each benchmark
     (lambda (op index/size impl)
       (let ([fn
              (match (cons op impl)
                [(cons 'square-map 'vector)
                 (lambda (i) (vector-map (lambda (x) (* x x)) i))]
                [(cons 'square-map 'list)
                 (lambda (i) (map (lambda (x) (* x x)) i))]
                [(cons 'self-append 'vector)
                 (lambda (i) (vector-append i i))]
                [(cons 'self-append 'list)
                 (lambda (i) (append i i))])]
             [input (list-ref (match impl
                                ['vector vectors]
                                ['list lists])
                              (car index/size))])
         (fn input)))
     ; don't extract time, instead time (run ...)
     #:extract-time 'delta-time
     #:num-trials 30))
> (parameterize ([plot-x-ticks no-ticks])
     #:title "vectors vs lists"
     #:x-label #f
     #:y-label "normalized time"
      ; default options
      (list (cons 0 50000) 'list)
      ; format options so we can omit the index in the size list
      #:format-opts (lambda (opts)
                      (let ([index/size (car opts)]
                            [impl (cadr opts)])
                        (format "size: ~a, ~a" (cdr index/size) impl))))))


3 Running Benchmarks


(run-benchmarks whats 
  [#:build build 
  #:clean clean 
  #:extract-time extract-time 
  #:num-trials num-trials 
  #:make-name make-name 
  #:skip skip] 
  #:results-file results-file) 
  (listof benchmark-result?)
  whats : (listof any/c)
  hows : (listof (listof any/c))
  run : procedure?
  build : (or/c procedure? #f) = #f
  clean : (or/c procedure? #f) = #f
  extract-time : (or/c 'delta-time (-> string real?))
   = racket-time-extract-result
  num-trials : exact-integer? = 30
  make-name : (-> any/c any/c) = identity
  skip : procedure? = (lambda _ #f)
  results-file : #f
For each what, run is executed for each combination of one element from each of the elements of hows. Thus, the arity of run must be (+ 1 (length hows)).

build and clean are functions with the same argument types as run and are run before and after each num-trials runs of run.

When not 'delta-time, extract-time is applied to the contents of stdout after each run of run, and must produce a benchmark-trial-time?. In this case it is expected that each of the whats report their time via stdout when run. When 'delta-time, the time of the benchmark is the time to evaluate (run args ...).

make-name takes an element of whats and produces a human-readable representation of the benchmark’s name.

skip has the same argument types as run, and when it evaluates to true the associated benchmark/options combination is skipped.

If results-file is non-false, results will be automatically persisted to results-file-<n>. Incremental results are recorded after all runs with a given set of options are finished. For more information about persisting results, see Persisting Results.

Benchmarks are logically specified as an (n+1)-dimensional matrix where n of the dimensions are options (how to run) and one dimension is the names/files (what to run). The names/files dimension is specified in the whats list. The options dimensions are specified as lists in the hows list.

In Example: Measuring the Impact of Racket’s JIT, (list "fib.rkt" "collatz.rkt") is the whats and (list (list 'jit 'no-jit)) is the hows. That is, there is only one dimension of options for running (list 'jit 'no-jit), and two things to run "fib.rkt" and "collatz.rkt".

So, execution might look something like:

building (fib.rkt jit)

running (fib.rkt jit) ... (30 times)

cleaning (fib.rkt jit)

building (fib.rkt no-jit)

running (fib.rkt no-jit) ... (30 times)

cleaning (fib.rkt no-jit)

building (collatz.rkt jit)

running (collatz.rkt jit) ... (30 times)

cleaning (collatz.rkt jit)

building (collatz.rkt no-jit)

running (collatz.rkt no-jit) ... (30 times)

cleaning (collatz.rkt no-jit)

3.1 Extracting Reported Time


(racket-time-extract-result str)  real?

  str : string?
To be used with #:extract-time for the output of Racket’s time. Note: this is the default for the #:extract-time argument of run-benchmarks.

3.2 Progress Logging

To track progress of a benchmarking run, run-benchmarks logs actions (building, running, cleaning) it takes on a logged named 'benchmark at logging level 'info.

The easiest way to see this logging is to run your benchmark harness with:
  racket -W info@benchmark harness.rkt

For more information about logging, see Logging.

4 Plotting

benchmark exports a renderer2d? for plotting results of benchmarks using the plot library.


(render-benchmark-alts norm-opts    
  [#:format-opts format-opts])  renderer2d?
  norm-opts : (listof any/c)
  benchmark-results : (listof benchmark-result?)
  format-opts : (-> (listof any/c) string?)
   = (lambda (opts) (apply ~s opts #:separator " "))
Produces a renderer2d? of normalized time for the specified benchmark results with error bars based on 95% confidence intervals. The time of a benchmark is normalized against the benchmark with the same name but norm-opts for options.

norm-opts is the list of options (from hows) of run that are the standard options.

For example, (list 'jit) is the list of standard options in Example: Measuring the Impact of Racket’s JIT.

benchmark-results are the results produced by run-benchmarks.

format-opts formats the list of options into strings for displaying on the legend of the plot.


(benchmark-show-legend?)  any/c

(benchmark-show-legend? show-legend?)  void?
  show-legend? : any/c
 = #t
Determines whether the generated plot should include a legend.

4.1 Color Schemes

Color schemes are used to make benchmark plots more readable by coloring benchmarks according to the options (hows). In Example: Measuring the Impact of Racket’s JIT the ’jit’ option is salmon and the ’no-jit’ option blue.



  (cons/c (listof plot-color/c) (listof plot-brush-style/c))
(current-benchmark-color-scheme benchmark-color-scheme)  void?
  benchmark-color-scheme : (cons/c (listof plot-color/c) (listof plot-brush-style/c))
Default is pastel-color-scheme. Parameter controlling color scheme used by render-benchmark-alts.

Available color schemes:
A few color schemes provided for convenience. Length (short, medium, and long) corresponds to the number of distinct colors that are used. ’short’ is 3, ’medium’ is 5, and ’long’ is 8. In the event that there are more unique combinations of options, the colors wrap around.

5 Persisting Results

Results can be persisted with record-results and retrieved with get-past-results. Results can also be automatically persisted by run-benchmarks when passed a #:results-file argument.


(record-results results file)  void?

  results : (listof benchmark-result?)
  file : path?
Persists results to file-<n> where <n> is the smallest natural such that file-<n> doesn’t exist.


(get-past-results file [version])  (listof benchmark-result?)

  file : path?
  version : (or/c exact-integer? #f) = #f
If version is specified by user, reads results from file-<version>. Otherwise, reads results from file-<n> where n is the largest natural such that file-<n+1> does not exist.